‘Bollocks to Yoga..’

Austin Osman Spare Logomachy of Zos

full quote-

‘bollocks to Yoga: ‘concentration’ on one object is another ‘illusion’. I’ve never managed it for more than a minute; perhaps morons are more successful’

(direct as ever!;-)lol

(via iseesigils)

I don’t totally agree with this, but it’s funny shit.

Anyone who has had any dealings with children knows that they’re curious and creative. They want to explore things and figure out what’s happening. A good bit of schooling is an effort to drive this out of them and to fit them into a mold, make them behave, stop thinking, not cause any trouble. It goes right from kindergarten up … People are supposed to be obedient producers, do what they’re told, and the rest of your life is supposed to be passive consuming. Don’t think about things. Don’t know about things … Just do what you’re told, pay attention to something else and maximize your consumption. That’s the role of the public.

Propaganda and the Public Mind – Noam Chomsky (via noam-chomsky)

Freedom without opportunity is a devil’s gift, and the refusal to provide such opportunities is criminal. The fate of the more vulnerable offers a sharp measure of the distance from here to something that might be called “civilization.” While I am speaking, 1000 children will die from easily preventable disease, and almost twice that many women will die or suffer serious disability in pregnancy or childbirth for lack of simple remedies and care.[1] UNICEF estimates that to overcome such tragedies, and to ensure universal access to basic social services, would require a quarter of the annual military expenditures of the “developing countries,” about 10% of U.S. military spending.

Noam Chomsky (via noam-chomsky)

There is no reason to accept the doctrines crafted to sustain power and privilege, or to believe that we are constrained by mysterious and unknown social laws. These are simply decisions made within institutions that are subject to human will and that must face the test of legitimacy. And if they do not meet the test, they can be replaced by other institutions that are more free and more just, as has happened often in the past.

Noam Chomsky (via noam-chomsky)