For Witchcraft Practitioners in Urban Areas…


I found this list of weeds with known medicinal/magickal properties on my hard drive. They are all known to grow in urban settings (here on the west coast, at least, I’ve found most of them).

I can’t remember where I found this list, but it’s not entirely of my own compilation. (I’ve added a few things.) The file is over 3 years old. If it looks familiar let me know and I’ll credit it.

You’re welcome. 🙂

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Two Elephants
Abu Sa’d’ Ubayd-Allah ibn Ibrahim, known as Ibn Bakhtishu
Manafi al-Hayawan (The Benefits of Animals), in Persian
Persia, Maragha, dated 1294, 1297, or 1299

The Morgan Library

Mayan Pyramid BULLDOZED For Rocks

Mayan Pyramid BULLDOZED For Rocks