am the daughter of fortitude and ravished every hour from my youth. For behold,
I am understanding, 
science dwelleth in me; and the heavens oppress me. They covet and desire me
with infinite appetite; for none that are earthly have embraced me, for I am
shadowed with the circle of the sun, and covered with the morning clouds. My
feet are swifter than the winds, and my hands are sweeter than the morning dew.
My garments are from the beginning, and my dwelling place is in my self. The
lion knoweth not where I walk, neither do the beasts of the field understand
me. I am 
and yet a virgin; I sanctify, and am not sanctified.

is he that embraceth me: for in the night season I am sweet, and in the day
full of pleasure. My company is a harmony of many symbols, and my lips sweeter
than health itself. I am a harlot for such as ravish me, and a virgin with such
as know me not: For lo, I am loved by many, and I am a lover to many; and as
many as come unto me as they should do, have my knowledge.”

– Edward Kelly and John Dee, report of spiritual contact

Why, you who hate me, do you love me,

and hate those who love me?

You who deny me, confess me,

and you who confess me, deny me.

You who tell the truth about me, lie about me,

and you who have lied about me, tell the truth about me.

You who know me, be ignorant of me,

and those who have not known me, let them know me.
For I am knowledge and ignorance.

I am shame and boldness.

I am shameless; I am ashamed.

I am strength and I am fear.

I am war and peace.

Give heed to me.

– The Thunder Perfect Mind (Gnostic Poem, 350 C.E.)

Tarot Readings from Frater T


Do you need some guidance or advice on something in your life? I charge $10 for a three card reading. Also, I offer a deal for one three card tarot reading a month for a year for $100. 

For every reading I set up an altar properly banished and blessed.

Working with spirits well known to me, I pull three cards and divine their personal meaning for you. You can ask a specific question, or just ask for a general reading.

At the end, I pull a Portals of Chaos card to find an entity that can help you with any tasks or obstacles described by the cards.

You can contact me through tumblr or through the contact page at the Scroll of Thoth website.

Please reblog if you think your followers would be interested.

A review of my readings from @myristicinema

I’ve been receiving monthly tarot readings from James L. Wilber for the last year, and it’s been a amazing year. James’s readings are most definitely worth it.

James’s three card reading gives you a past-present-future insight on the month in question, which is very useful for monthly planning or for navigating your way effectively through a busy and/or crazy month.

If you are looking for regular divination to aid you in your endeavours and to maximize your potential, then James L. Wilber is your man.

A review from @ohnomyurlhaschanged

This reading was concise, accurate and helpful. Much helpful and relevant information and many clues were condensed into a punchy and powerful reading. I will definitely revisit this reading again over the next few weeks. Many thanks!

Time for Tarot

I did all that cooking again. Now old Frater T is gonna kick-back, smoke some of that old herbal remedy, and do some tarot for you all. 

So tonight, Threskiornis will be doing some free one-card tarot readings. Mind you, donating a buck or two to my Paypal would be nice.

If you want a free one card reading, drop a question in my Ask box (and only as an Ask). I will be doing one-card readings until about midnight (11/22/2018). Those who donate $1 or more into my PayPal will go to the front of the line. You can find that PayPal button on the right hand side of the Scroll of Thoth website.

I am also running a special on full, three-card readings for $9 dollars.

For a three-card reading I set up an altar properly banished and blessed. Working with spirits well known to me, I pull three cards and divine their personal meaning for you. You can ask a specific question, or just ask for a general reading.

At the end, I pull a Portals of Chaos card to find an entity that can help you with any tasks or obstacles described by the cards.

You can contact me for three-card readings on tumblr or through the contact page at the Scroll of Thoth website.

Please reblog if you think your followers would be interested.

So, go ahead and send me an Ask with your question. One card pulls are technically free, but priority will be given to those who donate.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,

It worries me to see Thelema and many orders therein being safe havens for racists, homophobes,and bigots of all stripes. “The right to deny rights for others” has no place in the life, light, love, and liberty of Thelema. It is not a right to deny rights to a people based on how they were born or how they choose to live their personal life in their particular orbit.

However, to say that, for example, the racist is just “making a personal choice that has no bearing on others” is naive at best and an accomplice to bigotry at worst. Bigotry is an operating system that places one kind of person over another. if someone believes that one race is inferior, they will act on this. And to say a Thelemite doesn’t act on their convictions is to say you’re not talking about a Thelemite.

This is not the “make no difference between any one thing and any other” and it is not light, love, or liberty that pervades Thelemic thought. This is materialistic, simple, fear. Fear of those who do not look or act as we do because their experience and lives are different is NOT a Thelemic trait. Fear not at all; fear neither men nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything.

In short a sucker is born every minute, try not to make it on your time.

In life, light, love, and liberty,

Frater Nought

Love is the law, love under will

I love this. 

I will also mention two other points. The goal of the racist is to restrict and destroy another based simply on their color or ethnicity. In essence, to impede their Will. Which is anathema.

Two, and some members of the OTO aren’t gonna like hearing this. Top-down, non-democratic, essentially authoritarian structures, like the OTO, will inevitable attract people who thrive on impeding the Will of others. It’s beyond time that we occultists ditch these fucking masonic grade structures that are nothing but vehicles for abuse and control. The grade system has to fucking go.

This is why I never joined the OTO. This is why I don’t participate in national and international IOT events anymore. 

I mean seriously, you are an organization devoted to the cause of freedom and you don’t even have a democratic leadership?

The basic assumption with which we must begin any theorizing about the past is that men and women built civilization jointly. Starting as we do from the end result and reasoning back, we thus ask a different question than that of a single-cause ‘origin.’ We ask: how did men and women in their society-building and in the construction of what we call Western civilization arrive at the present state? Once we abandon the concept of women as historical victims, acted upon by violent men, inexplicable ‘forces,’ and societal institutions, we must explain the central puzzle–woman’s participation in the construction of the system which subordinates her. I suggest abandoning the search for an empowering past–the search for matriarchy–is the first step in the right direction. The creation of compensatory myths of the distant past of women will not emancipate women in the present and the future. The patriarchal mode of thought is so built into our mental processes that we cannot exclude it unless we first make ourselves consciously aware of it, which always means a special effort. Thus, in thinking about the prehistoric past of women, we are so much locked into the explanatory androcentric system that the only alternate model that readily comes to mind is that of reversal. If not patriarchy, then there must have been matriarchy. Undoubtedly there were many different modes in which men and women organized society and allocated power and resources. None of the archaeological evidence we have is conclusive and sufficient to allow us to construct a scientifically sound model of that important period of the transition from Neolithic hunting/gathering to sedentary agricultural societies. The way of the anthropologists, who offer us examples of contemporary hunting/gathering societies and draw from them inferences about societies in the fifth millennium B.C., is no less speculative than is that of the philosopher and the specialist in religious studies who reason from literature and myths. The point is that most of the speculative models have been androcentric and have assumed the naturalness of patriarchy, and the few feminist models have been ahistorical and therefore, to my mind, unsatisfactory.

from The Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner (1986)

This is a great observation, on a subject quite dear to me. I will definitely be looking for this book. 

What I would add is, one possible way of knowing how our prehistoric ancestors organized their society is to look to our closest primate relatives. While certainly not conclusive, it does give a window into what a more tribal based society may have looked like. Until recently, we believed our closest relative to be the chimpanzee. Discoveries in the last few decades has shown us we are even closer genetically to the bonobo. I recommend reading the works of Franz De Waal to learn about them.


probably my favorite thing about witchcraft is how diy it is. like, I used to be catholic and it was like “this has power because it was anointed by a priest” and witchcraft is like “fuck that. anoint it yourself. you have all the power of the universe in your little hands” and I love it.