Most people on food stamps work full time. They work full time but they don’t have enough money to pay for food for their kids. So really, in some ways, food stamps are about a business subsidy because it allows low wage business workers to… feed their families and continue working. But we call it charity, or the Republicans call it charity. They want to cut food stamps so badly that every church, synagogue, mosque, house of worship in the United States—every single one—[would] have to raise an additional $50,000 every year for ten years to replace what he wants to cut. It’s not gonna happen. It’s not gonna work.

Sister Simone Campbell [x]

I like how she articulates the simple financial impossibility of religious organizations being able to replace government aid. I’d like to add that, of course, there are so many people who have trouble receiving aid from religious institutions because they’re LGBT and/or non-religious or have a fraught relationship to religion… aid is a human right—and, as she points out, a business subsidy as well as a subsidy to food companies—which people should be able to receive in a secular setting.

(via mswyrr)

Sister Simone Campbell for Pope.

(via stfuconservatives)


(via cognitivedissonance)