
Egyptian account of the Creation.

In a late copy of a work entitled the “Book of knowing the evolutions of Ra, the god Neb-er-tcher, the “lord of the company of the gods,” records the story of the creation and of the birth of the gods:

“I am he who evolved himself under the form of the god Khepera, I, the evolver of the evolutions evolved myself, the evolver of all evolutions, after many evolutions and developments which came forth from my mouth. No heaven existed, and no earth, and no terrestrial animals or reptiles had come into being. I formed them out of the inert mass of watery matter, I found no place whereon to stand … . . I was alone, and the gods Shu and Tefnut had not gone forth from me; there existed “none other who worked with me. I laid the foundations of all things by my will, and all things evolved themselves therefrom. I united myself to my shadow, and I sent forth Shu and Tefnut out from myself; thus from being one god I became three, and Shu and Tefnut gave birth to Nut and Seb, and Nut gave birth to Osiris, Horus-Khent-an-maa, Sut, Isis, and Nephthys, at one birth, one after the other, and their children multiply upon this earth.”
