A shoal of sigils I made the other day. Not sure why I didn’t share it at the time, considering how much I liked this particular set, and how especially “right” the ritual I did felt – I tried a few new techniques (most of which I made up on the spot), and it felt really productive.
I think one of the reasons I don’t often share is because my sigils look so raw, and the perfectionist in me feels the need to recreate them in a vector art format to make them look clean. But that completely goes against every magickal instinct in me, because I feel that (for me, east least), chaos magick is being done “right” when it’s a little dirty and frayed around the edges. Spending too much time fucking around and making it “perfect” feels like a kind of fruitless waste of time – I’d rather be firing that shit off into my inner headspace and then start living the example necessary to transmute it into reality.
Anyway, I am finding that, as with many things in my life, each time I try a new ritual, I get better at it, get better results more quickly, am more comfortable with ditching my conventions and trying a new way of going about it, and most importantly, ENJOYING THE PROCESS rather than LONGING FOR THE RESULT. That last bit is absolutely crucial to success, in pretty much any endeavor, I think.