The ideas inspired by magical thinking – those used to navigate and investigate, via association – should never be treated lightly when you’re engaging them. You need to ask yourself what the consequence that you’re ignoring is. You need to stop assuming you see the world clearly; you do not. You simply see it differently. And there may be some truth in it. It’s just very rarely literal, unless we’re talking about thaumaturgy.
But magick, like magical thinking, is best when it’s subtle. It infuses the “mundane dross” of our every day reality, of the ideas we play with and spread, and just gently brightens or darkens them. Ultimately, there is a question of how much power you’re giving to certain notions. If the world has nothing but demons – and I don’t really care how you contextualize them be they grays or succubi or Men in Black – then there’s something important missing. Like, for instance, icons of love and and wonder and worship that exist alongside you, constantly. Allies that provide you with insight. Moments of bliss, lost looking at the beauty of the colors and their vibrancy in the world all around you.