Carl Jung described the phenomenon of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, whereby two or more unrelated events occur and evoke a numinous reaction in the observer. For example, you randomly think of a friend you have not heard from in years and that same day receive a call from the friend.
Humans have the remarkable ability to to manifest, to bring to the foreground, meaning and pattern from the chaos of events that surround us. Synchronicity reveals such patterns. Jung, in conversation with the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, intuited a deeper ordering principle operating within chaos but originating in life. He and Pauli called the field from which synchronicity emerged Unus Mundus – “One World” – in essence the connections that tie everything together and form the basis for synchronicity, divination and magick.
Synchronicity is the strangely wonderful experience of the outer world intersecting in a meaningful way with our inner selves. Magick and divination involve acknowledging and creating space for a field in which the probability of a synchronicity occurring is heightened.