Bring on the requisite strangeness….


I go through periods of feast and famine when it comes to magick. There are times when I’m obsessed with it, practicing every day, researching, contemplating. And others where for some reason, injury, personal shit, plain laziness, where I do nothing at all. They usually last for months at a time.

I have definitely entered one of my periods of magical obsession as this blog can attest. I always find that after a few weeks strange things start to happen, synchronicities, visions, and just plain odd occurrences.

Yesterday, after ritual, I took my wand with me out of the temple for reasons that elude me. My wand is an 8 inch brass ankh, and my personal system of correspondences is based on the symbol of the ankh (it being a combination of 1 + 0 + ∞). I was working on that system yesterday, but there was still no real reason to take the ankh with me.

When it came time to pick up my wife from downtown, I subconsciously put it in my pocket. I didn’t even realize I had it until I started walking out to the car.

I could tell my head was out of focus as I passed under the bridge, cool night air coming through the window, and the sun just about to set. Like many cities, downtown Indianapolis has carriage rides available for the tourists. As I pulled up to a stoplight I looked over to see one of the carriages stopped beside me. As soon as I stopped one of the horses turned his head and stared directly at me. No mistaking it, this horse was looking me right in the eye. It was making a connection and I have no idea why.

I kept on driving. A bit early, I decided to take a lap around downtown. As I headed east, I noticed four lights in the sky, lined up in a row. The airport is off in that direction, so at first I thought they were planes but they didn’t move. I still have no idea what they were. Perhaps the setting sun reflecting off contrails but they weren’t lines, they were dots. Truly UFOs, at least to me. Not saying they were aliens or anything, just unidentifiable in my limited experience.

I’m looking forward to more weirdness.