What is the symbolism of a bee in magick? I have a lot of bees by my house and I want to know if I can incorporate them into a spell. ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ



Oh I love bees! You can look at my Insects In Magick post. The bee section is short, as thatโ€™s all I could find about them, but Iโ€™m sure thereโ€™s more uses and symbolism for them than just those listed. Those are just the general/main symbolism and uses of bees.ย 

I also have an Animals In Magick post if youโ€™d like to check that out too ๐Ÿ™‚

Bees are associated with Beltane, the element fire, the gods Apollo, Krishna,Ra, Vishnu. Goddess: Cybele, Demeter, Diana, iris.
Some of there powers: the after life, agriculture, communication, community, focus, connections, energy, family, fertility, grace, guidance, karma, knowledge, life. The mind, motivation, underworld. Power, prosperity, purification, rebirth, relationships, romance, spirituality, support, wisdom.