
The fifth magical aeon exists only in embryonic form. Its precise
manifestation hangs in the balance. The new Chaoist aeon may
develop into an Aquarian Age or a time of totalitarian tyranny.
(See “Millenium”). As agents of the fifth aeon Illuminati, adepts
may occasionally break their meditation to alter the course of
history. For existence is the chariot of Chaos, and man the most
refined vehicle available. Adepts may be concerned that the
society of men continues to evolve ever better forms to support the
divine incarnation of Kia on earth.

They may work to build the new aeon’s technologies — the
technologies of emotion, belief, magic, transmutation and
politics — which will free men from spirituality, prejudice,
supersitition, identity and ideology.

And they may seek to create cults, orders, covens and cabals
to spread the secret wisdom and to destroy the satraps of old aeon
spirituality and its thought forms.

For the fifth aeon has the potential to be a great renaissance
when mighty deeds will be done upon the earth and Chaoist
philosophy shall hurl men to the corners of the galaxy and into the
very epicenter of their being.

Either that or a new dark age.

-Peter J. Carroll, Liber Null