
We made that most-solemn and formal ritual from R.Reidy’s “Eternal Egypt” (enhanced version) today :). In my russian translation, of course 🙂
Just me and one my friend.
The photos were taken after the ritual.
This setup is not my permanent shrine setup, we relocated the small table for offerings (and another part of offerings was on the large dining table – not on the photos)
(Someone wanted Khonsu to be cheered up, so I added the photo with his statue and special milkshake 🙂 In this ritual there is one moment where Djehuty is invoked in syncretized form of Khonsu-(Iah)-Djehuty. So it was proper 🙂

Hachette’s Maat figure was used for Ma’at offering 🙂 And the ankh (it was “consecrated” in Abu-Simbel in 2010 🙂 .And the scarab figure – I did not have anything more suitable to represent the Ib right now.

It was… very quiet. And very solemn indeed. Really big, temple-style ritual for special occasions 🙂

* I will post a selfie after the ritual in a separate post

Praise Thoth!