Tarot Later

I’m done with the free one card readings tonight. But if you ask for a card later I might be able to give you a reading sometime this weekend.

Hello! I’d love a reading, if you’re still giving them. Is staying with my current job wise?

The Three of Swords: yes I did shuffle 😉

My initial reaction is that I don’t want to be this
definitive on something that is so important in someone’s life. But I’m gonna
have to. You will not be happy anywhere near your current position.

In fact, I have the feeling that someone at your current employment
is pretending to be your friend. Someone has been thinking about getting rid of

You may find interesting: http://magicalrecord.tumblr.com/post/90656849187/imgob-bumina,

Are you still offering a free reading? I would like to know what I need to focus on in my current spiritual predicament, if at all possible? If not thats fine too :3 (I ask in a convo by mistake sorry).

The Four of Swords:

My initial reaction is that you will soon be free of
conflict. Perhaps there is a part of your spiritual practice that conflicts
with your morality? Maybe you just need to accept that things of an occult bent
are inherently contradictory at times.

In any case, the Four is probably the nicest sword in the
deck. It indicates an end to struggles for a time, though the one you went
through was probably rough.

And, BTW anyone doing The Great Work, has my respect.

Tarot Reading

I just completed my first reading for the general public and the review was good. I am certainly feeling more confident in my divination abilities.

To celebrate, I am offering a free one card reading for the next hour or so. Just reply or drop it in my ask box. Please include a question/situation you would like clarified.

Of course, I will also do three card readings for $15, through http://scrollofthoth.com/. Just look for the Donate button on the right.