Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,
It worries me to see Thelema and many orders therein being safe havens for racists, homophobes,and bigots of all stripes. “The right to deny rights for others” has no place in the life, light, love, and liberty of Thelema. It is not a right to deny rights to a people based on how they were born or how they choose to live their personal life in their particular orbit.
However, to say that, for example, the racist is just “making a personal choice that has no bearing on others” is naive at best and an accomplice to bigotry at worst. Bigotry is an operating system that places one kind of person over another. if someone believes that one race is inferior, they will act on this. And to say a Thelemite doesn’t act on their convictions is to say you’re not talking about a Thelemite.
This is not the “make no difference between any one thing and any other” and it is not light, love, or liberty that pervades Thelemic thought. This is materialistic, simple, fear. Fear of those who do not look or act as we do because their experience and lives are different is NOT a Thelemic trait. Fear not at all; fear neither men nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything.
In short a sucker is born every minute, try not to make it on your time.
In life, light, love, and liberty,
Frater Nought
Love is the law, love under will
I love this.
I will also mention two other points. The goal of the racist is to restrict and destroy another based simply on their color or ethnicity. In essence, to impede their Will. Which is anathema.
Two, and some members of the OTO aren’t gonna like hearing this. Top-down, non-democratic, essentially authoritarian structures, like the OTO, will inevitable attract people who thrive on impeding the Will of others. It’s beyond time that we occultists ditch these fucking masonic grade structures that are nothing but vehicles for abuse and control. The grade system has to fucking go.
This is why I never joined the OTO. This is why I don’t participate in national and international IOT events anymore.
I mean seriously, you are an organization devoted to the cause of freedom and you don’t even have a democratic leadership?