Write your own story. Live your own myth.
I am thy writing palette, oh Thoth, and I have brought unto thee, thine ink jar. Please relieve me of this horrible plague.
I think that it is possible to say that the Egyptians regarded the entire universe as a gigantic act of magick–the transformation of consciousness to the material universe.
Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.
The lesson is simple, pour all of your blood into Her Grail, by sacrificing everything you will no longer be who you once thought you were, but you will have won the Universe. This is the path of the hardcore and holy. There is nothing more to it. If you have a more traditional magickal mindset, this can be taken as the ultimate version of Eliphas Lévi’s four virtues, To Know, To Will, To Dare, and To Keep Silent. You may want to note that in your diary, it is worth a meditation or two. In this text and in my life I am pouring all I am into the Cup. It is your choice how or whether to let your own blood. The succinct words of Liber Cheth may prove an admirable guide for you.
“The Red Goddess” by Peter Grey
(via luciferianbuddhism)
Babalon is the meeting point of ceremonial magick and the witch cult. She is a power that comes out of the past and resonates into the Now with the compelling song of the witch woman. She is both the primal form of the Goddess from the far distant past and the most modern icon of post-human style.
For example, we often hear that necromancy was outlawed because it was a devilish practice that depended upon the power of Satan for its effectiveness. What you do not hear is that necromnacy was an aspect of ancestor worship, and that part of outlawing it involved making it illegal to bury your family members on your own land. Suddenly, you were required to bury your dead in Church-sanctioned graveyards. This effectively removed one of your most solid claims to ownership of your ancestral land. It was no longer the place where you could prove your forefathers lay buried. It made it easier for authorities to come along and kick you out of your home and take state ownership of the land your family had left to you. This also supported the ultimate goal of breaking up family clans, and the political power and wealth that often went along with them.
Aaron Leitch,
Folk Tradition and the Solomonic Revival
Necromancy: the family that decays together stays together.
(via teratomarty)
In this view, magick progresses from era to era in different forms. However, even though the practice has evolved, it does not make older forms of magick less valid. While EMK provides the most useful philosophy of magick for modern magi in our current culture, there remains much to learn from older forms of magick.
The second oldest form of Operative Magick, and perhaps the most popular today, is to call upon a spirit that’s considered to be a god or has been elevated in some way. Prayer may be the last refuge of the scoundrel, but it has the benefit of being proven to work, and most magi have been scoundrels at one time or another.
Destroy all limits with Love