What do you think angels are?


Thank you for asking a very complicated question! I am not going to go into the various theories because you have asked me for my opinion.

I think angels are spiritual beings, nothing more. I think they are beings which have presented themselves as being agents of the Abrahamic God or they are beings which seem benevolent and people have simply ascribed the label angel to them.

I believe Jewish angels, especially canonical angels to be expressions of the force which is called God, they have always seemed cold to me, as though they have no personality. Some angels within the qabalistic systems do have personalities and so I whilst I still see them as forces of nature, I see them less as expressions of God and more as benevolent individual beings- they are still expressions of God, as are we all, but I believe they are less directly so. I apologize if this makes little sense.

The Enochian angels in my experience are a completely different kettle of fish and I believe that these beings do not belong to the Abrahamic system, but told Dee that they did so. I believe these beings to be completely different to the angels found in qabalistic systems- not that they aren’t benevolent, but I believe they told Dee, or rather Kelley, that they were angels as that is what they needed to hear.

Of course, a lot of Angels had roots spanning back before Judaism was even thought about, I believe the terms angels and demons are nothing more than labels individuals use to categorize spirits into good and bad or benevolent and malevolent. The individual’s own method of deciding what is good and bad is subjective. Therefore someone may think that Michael is benevolent and state he is an angel, that same person would probably label Lilith a demon. 

I use the term angel and demon as far as referring to a system. When I am talking about spirits I encounter randomly, or in general, I just use spirit- I don’t judge people before I meet them and I don’t judge spirits by hearsay either. 

So in short, I think angels are spirits just like demons perhaps with different intentions.