I call onto the powerful queen of all sorcery
Hekate, ruler of ghosts
I call onto the wise tutor of all witches
Hekate, mistress of magic
I call onto the mighty source of all powers
Hekate, empress of daimons
Hear me Hekate, beloved and adored, hear me speak your names
I pray come forth and answer my call
Come to me Hekate Aidonaia, Trimorphis, Enodia
Come to me Hekate Nyktipolos, Khthonia, Anassa Eneri
Come to me Hekate Dadophoros, Phosphoros, Krataiis
Antaia, Desponia, Erodia
Hear me Hekate speak your great names
Hear me make supplications to the night
Come forth most blessed queen
Come forth and make your presence known
Empress Hekate, all-ruler, come and see
Come and lay witness and power to my work