I think there’s a lot to be said for the JudeoChristian idea of absolute good and evil. But sometimes it’s just easier to believe, as the ancient Greeks did, that this universe is being run by drunken, skirt-chasing, egotistical morons.

My English professor (via theatermadnessanddietcoke)


(via ginandjack)

Synchronicity is as universal as gravity. When you start looking, you find it everywhere.

Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminatus! Trilogy (via harvest-gold)


I would go on to say that this is becoming increasingly difficult due to the extreme consolidation of corporate of media. When the only concern is making money it’s much easier to sell people what they are comfortable with. 

Recently the co-founder of twitter, those folks bringing you the internet in safe 140 character bites, said that people don’t want innovation. They want easier ways to deliver more of the same.

This craptastic philosophy trickles down to the producers as well. With the internet making it so easy to publish, those who always wanted to share their shifter/vampire/fay-kin-barely-disguised-fanfic now flood the marketplace.

Yes, I am bitter. Because what I write is different, and challenging, and may just be what the audience needs, but is overlooked because of those traits.

In fact, when I do get an open and honest review (not just my friends helping me out) I always get praised for my quality, but slammed for being totally outside what they expected. I believe it is the corporate media that have set those expectations and deadened us to enjoying the undiscovered country.


Phew! 3 days of work. I am definitely printing this one out for the altar 😀

It’s the Polan’s venusian goddess Lela/Lelja (and variations). The name comes from swaying, as in swaying a child on your arm, but also the swaying of lovers’ hips, of waves of waters, and dancing. It’s also associated with singing, including chanting (protective magic). And it’s got something to do with shimmering. Her symbols are the six pointed star of Venus (often atop a crescent moon), the colour red, red cows, ladybirds, cuckoos, the lime tree, the lilly (six petals – six pointed star, versus the traditional five/eight points), lilly of the valley flowers, her time of day is dawn and dusk (with the dew symbolizing fertility and the morning/evening star visible).