But if you lose the capacity to control people by force, it becomes more necessary to control attitudes and opinions.

Noam Chomsky



Never would have made it to the Red Planet if it wasn’t for the Man who was inspired by the Scarlet Woman.

Mars’ Curiosity rover was being handled at JPL in Pasadena California. The founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and inventor of the first viable solid rocket fuel — the man who literally launched the American space program — was Jack Parsons, a prominent student of Aleister Crowley and a Thelemite.

Marvel Whiteside Parsons, a.k.a. John “Jack” Parsons, was a Thelemite and student of Aleister Crowley. He was a co-founder of the company that was to become Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and invented the first viable solid rocket fuel, literally launching the American space program.. So Show support for the man that help open the window into the stars


Ave Babalon

Historically in America, the white liberal has been the one always supposedly who has the solution to the race problem. An example: the leading white liberal in American history was supposed to be Abraham Lincoln. He’s the one who has been dangled in front of our people as a god who brought us out of slavery into the promised land of freedom. Martin Luther King last year was begging President Kennedy to issue another Emancipation Proclamation. If the Emancipation Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln was authentic and produced the results that it was supposed to and if it had been sincere, it would have gotten results. Then Martin Luther King wouldn’t have to be begging for another proclamation of emancipation today.

And other times — the white liberals supposedly fought the Civil War to free the slaves, and our people are still slaves, still begging for freedom. Some more white liberals came along with the so-called Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and other amendments to the Constitution supposedly to solve our problem. The Constitution has been amended and the problem is still here.

Nine white liberals on the Supreme Court bench came up with a desegregation decision in 1954 supposedly to desegregate the schools, and the schools haven’t been desegregated yet. Kennedy ran on a platform as a white liberal three years ago and said all he had to do was take out his fountain pen and put his name on some paper and our problem would be solved, and it was three years in office before he found where his fountain pen was, and the problem isn’t solved yet. [Laughter and applause]

Malcolm X: The Last Speeches (via disciplesofmalcolm)


Soasig Chamaillard is a French artist who got inspired by Christian iconography and pop culture. A huge talent, an an awesome Saints series, as you can see. My eyes are happy. Here what does the artist say about her work :

“I grew up in a Christian Western society. My perspective on life has been a result of my environment and background.

The playful interaction of society’s many icons, physical transformations, and the resulting improbable combinations, have culminated in my vision of a woman’s role and place in our society.

This inner questioning of a woman’s role, has led me to use one of the most sacred icons in my work, namely, the Virgin Mary.
Initially, I begin with damaged statues, either donated or discovered in garage sales, which I then restore and transform.

I surely do not mean to chock those who believe but rather to move those who see.”

source : http://www.geek-art.net/


A Herma (Ancient Greek: ἑρμῆς, pl ἑρμαῖ “hermai”), is a sculpture with a head above a plain, usually squared lower section, on which male genitals may also be carved at the appropriate height, originating in Ancient Greece. In the earliest times Greek divinities were worshiped in the form of a heap of stones or a shapeless column of stone or wood. There were in many parts of Greece piles of stones by the sides of roads, especially at their crossings, and on the boundaries of lands. The religious respect paid to such heaps of stones, especially at the meeting of roads, is shown by the custom of each passer-by throwing a stone on to the heap or anointing it with oil. Later there was the addition of a head and phallus to the column, which became quadrangular (the number 4 was sacred to Hermes). The phallus formed an essential part of the symbol, probably because the divinity represented by it was in the earliest times, before the worship of Dionysus was imported from the East, the personification of the reproductive powers of nature.

In ancient Greece the statues had an apotropaic function and were placed at crossings, country borders and boundaries as protection, in front of temples, near to tombs, in the gymnasia, palaestrae, libraries, porticoes, and public places, at the corners of streets, on high roads as sign-posts, with distances inscribed upon them. Before his role as protector of merchants and travelers, Hermes was a phallic god, associated with fertility, luck, roads and borders. His name comes from the word herma referring to a square or rectangular pillar of stone, terracotta, or bronze; a bust of Hermes’ head, usually with a beard, sat on the top of the pillar, and male genitals adorned the base. In Athens, the hermai were most numerous and most venerated, they were placed outside houses as apotropes for good luck. They would be rubbed or anointed with olive oil and adorned with garlands or wreaths. This superstition persists, for example the Porcellino bronze boar of Florence (and numerous others like it around the world), where the nose is shiny from being continually touched for good luck or fertility.