
Bind Runes.

A Bind Rune (Icelandic: bandrún) is created by combining two or more ancient Viking Runes into a single symbol. What this combination is believed to do is create a more powerful Rune, than the individual Runes used to make it. How the Bind Rune is created is very important. Bind Runes should be kept as simple as possible so that each Rune is clearly distinguishable. Using more than five is usually not advisable. When a bind rune is too complex it will be less powerful than a simpler symbol. Bind Runes were rare in Viking days; there are not many examples of the ancient Norse writing them. They became more common among the Scandinavian people later in the Middle Ages.

“As a member of the Bureau, I spend most of my time seeking simple answers to difficult questions. In the pursuit of Laura’s killer, I have employed Bureau guidelines, deductive technique, Tibetan method, instinct, and luck. But now I find myself in need of something new, which, for lack of a better word, we shall call… magic.”

–Special Agent Dale Cooper

You see, when Dale Cooper acts as a psychopomp and ushers Leeland’s soul over to the other side, he in effect shows that his paradigm now reaches beyond death. He therefore becomes Jesus and can now soothe with a word.

Unfortunately, this also validates Bob’s existence within Cooper’s paradigm and make him susceptible to his power. Cooper thus sets up a negative feedback loop that forces him to take Bob into his godhood and try to control him. Whoa be it to the demiurge who tries to control Satan.

Coop. Coop! You are not Jesus! Your ego is what’s going to crash your paradigm and make you susceptible to Bob.

Essentially, Twin Peaks is about two rival gangs of magicians who have fought to a stand still in a Northwest town. They are now drawing in outside agencies to continue their battle.

The children of Twin Peaks are caught up in the shit storm of synchronicity that always follow such events.

Laura Palmer did not make it through her first initiation.

Dale Cooper is a young magician who believes he is on the cusp of a major break through. He is about to suffer a false enlightenment.