Philemon: “That is the third point that you must note as essential:
namely; that there is nothing for you to understand.”

Jung: “Well, I must confess that that is new and strange. So
nothing at all about magic can be understood?”

Philemon: “Exactly. Magic happens to be precisely everything that
eludes comprehension.”

Jung: “But then how the devil is one to teach and learn magic?”

Philemon: “Magic is neither to be taught nor learned. It’s foolish that you want to learn magic.”

Jung: “But then magic is nothing but deception.”

Philemon: “Watch out-you have started reasoning again.”

Jung: “It’s difficult to exist without reason.”

Philemon: ”And that is exactly how difficult magic is.”

Jung: “Well, in that case it’s hard work. I conclude that it is an
inescapable condition for the adept that he completely unlearns
his reason.”

Philemon: “I’m afraid that is what it amounts to.”

Jung: “Ye Gods, this is serious.”

Carl JungThe Red Book/Liber Novus  (via booboo-kittyfuk)



Maybe theheadlesshashasheen or soror-dxm or scrollofthoth or danithedoommagnet knows but

to consecrate a blasting rod according to the Verum, it needs to be cut, and then “watered” with a drop of blood. Morbid and especially Occulty, yes, but you see, I, as a healthy, fertile, cisgender female Occultist, am constantly getting rid of blood, without having to stab myself. About every month or so.

What I’m getting at is, do you think the rod will be affected in any particular way if I use menstrual blood rather than “regular” blood? There are distinct differences between menstrual and “regular” blood physically but there are also great symbolic divergences as well. Yay or nay? What do more experienced Occultists think, especially Occultists who work frequently with evocation?

Also, unless a dude has a female friend who’s used menstrual blood in their magic and has told them about it, I don’t think any men should be giving advice on that if they’ve never had a period to begin with.

Sorry to manslpain it to you honey (kinda irksome if you are saying men can’t have opinions about female symbols in the occult). But yes, I would say it would be different simply because you know it is different. What I can’t tell you is what your menstrual cycle means to you. What does it symbolize for you?