The difference between magick and therapy is that, for magick, truth lies in experience, whereas therapy is concerned with questions of “meaning” and “interpretation”. The therapist traces the meaning of symptoms back to the unconscious, over and over again. In other words, issues on the surface are exposed as being the product of issues hidden at a lower level. It is all “about” issues. Magick, on the other hand, enables us to experience issues directly as something else—as a “demon”, an “angel”; as something other.

Duncan Barford – Occult Experiments in the House (via querubax)

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the order in the world is assumed to be the result of the “living creator of the life of the world” […], namely, the “enlightened” Sun-God Ra. The latter is also called Re or Ammon-Ra, Ammon stands for “hidden”. His firstborn son is the god Theut or Thoth. Thoth is the most powerful god in ancient Egyptian religion for he is acknowledged as “the master of divine words”. More specifically, he is associated with the thoughts of his father, Ra. Ra’s thoughts are “hidden”. Thoth is the one who is able to speak his father’s thoughts and thereby bring them into the light (the light in turn is again associated with Ra). He can do this because Thoth is the god of speech, and through speech he can make the hidden truth and wisdom clairvoyant. Because of this, he is also the god of wisdom, and knowledge is understood to be of a linguistic nature. It is thus in ancient Egyptian times that the cultural intuition emerges that speech is both a vehicle for thoughts as well as an instrument to refer to (the truth about) the world. Both thought and knowledge are therefore language-based.
In Egyptian mythology, the sun shined upon the whole of its creation, thereby emanating a hidden truth or order which was made linguistic and thus literally audible and comprehensible by Thoth. This order, and eventually the capacities associated with the god Thoth, would be called the logos by the ancient Greek philosophers.

Now that Boleskine House has burned how will Thelemites perform the Oath of Enchantment?

Ok, I kid. But this kinda highlights why I am a Thelemic Pagan and haven’t joined the OTO. Thelemites have tried to convince me for years that Crowley’s ego can be completely removed from their practice. Yet when a ritual starts out, “Let the Magician, robed and armed as he may deem to be fit, turn his face towards Boleskine, that is the House of The Beast 666,” it’s kinda hard to ignore Frater Perdurabo’s giant misogynistic penis in the matter.

Truthfully, I hope this minor tragedy spurs the OTO to have a Kickstarter and buy the thing at a reduced price. Turn it into a museum or a headquarters. I do not deny Crowley’s influence on modern magick, I just don’t think he should be considered a saint (see Gnostic Mass)