the Nile-God Hapy of the highly sacred city of Khmoun/Shmoun, kneeling and bringing a table with offerings, lotus flowers, two hanging ‘Ankh’-signs (Life) and the ‘Uas’-scepter.
Khmoun/Shmoun (Ḫmnw, Hermopolis Megale, in the XV nome of Upper Egypt) is “the City of the Eight” (the eight Gods of the Ogdoad, the “Ancestors of the Gods”) and the principal seat of Thoth (Ḏḥwtj, whose egyptian pronunciation preserved in Coptic and attested also in the Greek transliteration is “Thoth”/“Thouth”; it is important to remember that “Djehuti” is simply the conventional reading invented by the scholars that does not reflect the real pronunciation of the Egyptian language, as it is written at the beginning of every grammar of hieroglyphs).
Detail from the “Temple of Millions of Year” of King Ramses II at Abydos