1) hello, I hope you’re well and on your way to rest. 2) How am i supposed to read and use the gutter Bible? I don’t quite get it. 3) I’m sure Thoth is going to be chill about the card thing, he seems decent and or chill.

There are many ways to work with the Gutter Bible. Our group
usually combs through the Gutter Bible for names and then invoke those spirits
to gain information about the paradigm. We will also look for passages that
work well in a chant and then use that to invoke any spirit that is attracted
to it. For example, there is a passage in the GB, “Flash, Family, Voice, Goals.”
We used that as a chant and discovered he spirit Nagala. You can also just read
the GB to produce states of trance or gnosis. We originally hand copied the GB
for our group to work with. I ran off about 30 copies on a printer after I
scanned it. Watching the pages as they spit out of the printer, I kept seeing certain
passages appear again and again. It certainly developed in me an altered state.
You can also use passages in the GB to work with the already discovered
entities like Munglof, Rashwan, and Agi-Aga. We have discovered that when we
summon Tzaki and Ka-Aye at the same time, their opposing force opens up other
dimensions. Feel free to join our Emergent Magick Facebook group to connect
with other people using the Gutter Bible. Thanks for your interest and I’m sure
Thoth will guide me as needed.