

Title: “Magical Spells and Charms”
-dated: 1600-1699
-authors: Unknown, but at least two separate writers are suspected.


“Hanc figuram tulit Angelus Domini Danieli

cum in leonum lacu vinctus Sederet; et dixit ei (?),

Haec Summi Dei est tabula quam si inspexeris, tibi

nullum malum eveniet.”

[Figure depicts a joining of the patriarchal cross and capital Y, signifying the relationship between the Father and the Son. Lower bar seems to represent justice, as two item are being weighed on either end: a chalice on the left, representing sacrifice, and an apple on the right, representing sin. Markings towards the bottom of the figure are more unclear in meaning. Entire symbol is surrounded by 3 borders, probably significant in representing the Trinity.] 

“Hanc figuram scribe in Pergamena Virginen

cum sanguine Agni virgenei: nunc suffumiga.

Potestates hec sunt: catenas, et vincula disrumpit,

gladius non perforabit cutem:, Inimicitias, fugat;

febres, fluxum sanguinis, et omnes dolores mitiget;

omniaq[ue] daemonum pugna defendit.”


“This figure took the form of an Angel to Daniel

When he sat imprisoned in the Lion’s Den; and he [the Angel]
said to him:

“This image, of the Supreme God, if you look upon it, 

no harm will come.”

“Write this figure on Virgin parchment 

With the blood of a Virgin lamb

These are now the powers it contains: chains and bonds it will

Swords will not pierce the skin; it dispels enemies,

Fever, sickness of the blood, and all forms of suffering it
will mitigate.

And the battles of all demons it keeps off.”