
women of mythology – brigid

she is the celtic three-fold goddess, mother of ireland, divine and exulted, worshiped by many names in many forms, myths and legends surround her. mother of warriors, wife of a king from a warring tribe she sought to bring peace and unity to her lands with her compassion and goodness. brigid.

she is fire and flame. inspiration to poets and scribes, to those that pen the written word to paper and parchment. she is the hearth, patroness of healing and fertility, giving protection to mothers during pregnancy and child birth, caring for the little ones. she is the forge, skilled with weapons and how to make them, teacher of the martial arts, a warrior with hair the same colour as the fire that she symbolizes.

but with that knowledge of weaponry and battle, comes a desire to bind those that she loves together, to protect them and ensure their happiness. for war is not to be taken lightly, and the deaths that are the result steal the very things she sworn to care for away.