al-hasib643 said: So, would you be willing to go into more detail about why you will not use mahick against a human versus property or groups? Also, what other forms of excitatory gnosis do you use, such as music, screams, or the like?

It has nothing to do with religious or magical beliefs. I do not believe in a law of three or a law of returns. I would say I do believe in something like karma, which is more nebulous. Not physically harming others is a moral conviction. I simply do not believe that violence is an effective way to change people. What I really want to do is change their minds.

Property and institutions are not people. While institutions can develop an egregore, I have no moral qualms making them suffer. Some form of suffering is necessary for change to occur. However, mitigating that suffering is ideal. 

Yes to music and screams. Also dance, self-flagellation, and spontaneous creation, like flinging paint against a surface.