Near Eastern Goddess include clockwise from top left, Lilith, Ishtar a cake mold from Mari (), Inanna, Syrian Qadesh in Hathor head-dress with ‘ithyphallic’ god Min (below inset Hathor, Egypt and Timna and figurine Palestine), Isis nursing Horus, and Canaanite ‘queen of the wild beasts’ (Minet-al-Beida) suggestive of Asherah. For descendents of the so-called ‘Mother Goddess’, motherhood is rare among fertility goddesses. Only Isis has a maternal persona manifesting as nursing Horus. Lilith has an aura of precocious sexuality and fecundity without regard for her offspring, suggestive of maternal ambivalence. She has webbed feet indicating her wild nature. She precedes Inanna. When Gilgamesh cuts down the hulupu tree to establish Inanna’s throne of office, Lilith flies out of it and away. Qadesh is broadly identified with the ‘sacred prostitute’, Ishtar, Hathor, and the Canaanite Queen of Heaven for whom Jeremiah (44:19) notes cakes were also fashioned in Jerusalem.