Liber MMM – Day 6


Sunday, 28 August 2016
Waning Crescent Moon

2:12 AM
Had *incredible* sex in front of Imgob Bumina and anointed the idol with my and @niaskotl’s cum. Hail Imgob Bumina!

11:40 AM
Overslept and woke up to a message from Nia. Promptly forgot most of what I was dreaming but later remembered a large party with a lot of extended family and randos at a huge, fancy resort. I do not know what the party was for and I hardly got to participate because I was running around the hotel a lot.
I also remember at one point being outside of a large rundown mansion with severely unkempt and overgrown plants. There was a large tree full of strange pods and spores and I found myself waking up in one of these pods with large burr-bug like things all over me.

5:33 PM
Sat for a 10 minute meditation utilizing motionlessness and breath control sitting in the Burmese style on my bed with my eyes closed. Started with a 5-count breathing cycle: five seconds in, five second hold, five seconds out, five second hold. No interesting phosphene phenomena to report on. I felt very distracted today. I yawned and swallowed a few times during the meditation and straightened my posture a bit.