Direction: East
Colors: Blue, Yellow, Whites, Clear/Translucent
Animals: all flying creatures, Wolves ( command wind by howling), Man(Aquarius)
Magickal Weapons: Sword/Dagger/Knife or Staff/Wand/Crook-depending on tradition, Fan, Voice, All wind instruments and depending on opinions all musical instruments. All things that amplify sounds.
Air its also associated with the Spirt/Soul in Hellenistic spirituality, and in Kabbala as the father of time -fire and the great mother -water have the holy son-air, who is in Tipherath, the highest human sphere – lowest god sphere. It is ruled by both air and the sun. The home of all sacrifice gods and said to be the birth place of the soul. Which makes sense, as the occultist usually believes we are all apart of The One, and will all return to it. So there has to be a place where we divide from it to become individuals.
(Source: Douglas Kyle Johnston)