
the granite bark stand of King Atlanersa (ca. 650-640 BCE) from the Temple of the God Amon (B700) at Napata (about 400 km north of Khartoum, Sudan); now in the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston…
Horus of Behdet (at left, falcon-headed) and Thoth (at right, ibis-headed) binding together the symbolic plants of Upper and Lower Egypt, that is the ritual of the “Union of the Two Lands” (’sm3-t3wy’). Horus is represented holding the papyrus stem of Lower Egypt, while Thoth holds the lily stem of Upper Egypt. In the middle, King Atlanersa (wearing the skullcap with the Two Uraei) standing on the symbol for “Union of the Two Lands” and holding up the sky.
On the top, the Winged Solar Orb (Horus of Behdet) with the Two Uraei