Axiomata by AOS:
“Therefore pray, not direct to God, but to your own damned self – by sacrifice and service to man: it is the only correct manner of
prayer, and none so poor that they cannot so give.We are a great company! None walk alone, but with a formidable
host of familiars: however we may clothe, shut out, or prohibit, there is a veritable funeral procession of dead selves and loves always in attendance.We are millions of yesterdays, and what appears autogenic is the
work of unknown mediators who permit, or not, our acts by the mysterious chemistry of our believing.Belief is a sustenance, desire acquisitive, and ‘will’ energizes and maintains.
One damned thing after another. Life and death are an entering
and leaving of different dream worlds, and reality is where we find or make it.Ability is an endowment from our past selves.
The body is the puppet of the mind. We begin as automatic,
becoming as autonomous … a transference, the puppet becomes the
showman. All our integrations stem from our intro/extravertive ability: a mental breathing – give, take and remake.”The quotations above are from “Axiomata and the Witches Sabbath” by Austin Osman Spare (Fulgur 1992 edition).
All images by AOS.
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