OTO. will kill your bird. just sayin.
Month: November 2011
the Hand and Eye: The Creed
Spare concentrated the theme of his doctrine in the following Affirmation .
Creed of Zos vel Thanatos.
I believe in the flesh ‘as now’ and forever … for I am the Light, the Truth, the Law, the Way, and none shall come unto anything except through his flesh. Did I not show you the eclectic path between ecstasies; that precarious funambulatory way … . But you had no courage, were tired, and feared. THEN AWAKE! De-hypnotize yourselves from the poor reality you be-live and be-lie. For the great Noon- tide is here, the great bell has struck … Let others await involuntary immolation, the forced redemption so certain for many apostates to Life. Now, in this day, I ask you to search your memories, for great unities are near. The Inceptor of all memory is your Soul. Life is desire, Death is reformation … I am the resurrection … I, who transcend ecstasy by ecstasy, meditating Need Not Be in Self-love …
This creed, informed by the dynamism of Spare’s will and his great ability as an artist, created a Cult on the astral plane that attracted to itself all the elements naturally orientated to it. He referred to it as Zos Kia Cultus, and its votaries claimed affinity on the following terms:
Our Sacred Book : The Book of Pleasure.
Our Path : The eclectic path between ecstasies; the precarious
funambulatory way.
Our Deity : The All-Prevailing Woman.
(‘And I strayed with her, into the path direct’.)
Our Creed : The Living Flesh. (Zos):
(‘Again I say : This is your great moment of
reality- the living flesh’).
Our Sacrament : The Sacred Inbetweenness Concepts.
Our Word : Does Not Matter-Need Not Be.
Our Eternal Abode : The mystic state of Neither-Neither.
The Atomospheric ‘I’. (Kia).
Our Law : To Trespass all Laws.
The Zos and the Kia are represented by the Hand and the Eye, the instruments of sentiency and vision. They form the foundation of the New Sexuality, which Spare evolved by combining them to form a magical art- the art of visualizing sensation, of ‘becoming one with all sensation’, and of transcending the dual polarities of existence by the annihilation of separate identity through the mechanics of the Death Posture. Long ago, a Persian poet described in a few words the object of Spare’s New Sexuality.
The kingdom of I and We forsake, and your home in annihilation make.
The alchemists, who in their own way know more about the nature of the individuation process than we moderns do, expressed this paradox through the symbol of the ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail. In the age old image of the ouroboros lies the thought of devouring oneself and turning oneself into a circulatory process, for it was clear to the most astute alchemists that the prima materia of the art was man himself.
The ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow self. This feed back process is at the same time a symbol of immortality, since it is said of the ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to life again, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself. This is much like the cycle of the Phoenix, the feminine archetype.
Ouroboros symbolizes The One, who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and therefore constitutes the secret of the prima materia which unquestionably stems from man’s unconsciousness.
‘These premises have been cursed by black sorcery. The curse has been activated according to correct rituals. This institution is cursed because it has oppressed the Imagination & defiled the Intellect, degraded the arts toward stupefaction, spiritual slavery, propaganda for State & Capital, puritanical reaction, unjust profits, lies & aesthetic blight. The employees of this institution are now in danger. No individual has been cursed, but the place itself has been infected with ill fortune & malignancy. Those who do not wake up & quit, or begin sabotaging the workplace, will gradually fall under the effect of this sorcery. Removing or destroying the implement of sorcery will do no good. It has been seen in this place, & this place is cursed. Reclaim your humanity & revolt in the name of the Imagination— or else be judged (in the mirror of this charm) an enemy of the human race.’