Let you alone! That’s all very well, but how can I leave myself alone? We need not to be left alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, something real?

Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury (via mechanicalnotions)

Reality Check

I’ve seen a lot of people lauding President Obama, mostly due to the Republican rhetoric on the culture wars. It’s pretty sad that we are once again falling for this dog and pony show, while those in power fuck-off with all the money.

Hot on the heels of a report showing 29 of the 30 largest corporations in America get tax refunds, Obama has come out and said he wants to LOWER corporate taxes.

Yep, there he his, the man of the people. Mr. Liberal. He knows who his paymasters are. The same ones that pay the Republicans.

The same Mr. Obama who derides Citizens United, but lines up at the super-pac trough with the rest of the pigs. 

Yes, there are differences between the two parties. You will get policy shifts on minor issues. But where it really counts, who controls the nation’s resources, both parties stand united.

With the rate our economy and the planet is deteriorating, we no longer have time for the lesser of two evils. The duopoly is responsible for too much suffering for us to bow out from the fight. There is no solution while Democrats or Republicans are in office. We must spend our precious time and resources on an alternative, not fighting for the side that pretends to share our views.

a number of new studies suggest that, in certain key ways, people with that much money are not like the rest of us at all. As a mounting body of research is showing, wealth can actually change how we think and behave—and not for the better. Rich people have a harder time connecting with others, showing less empathy to the extent of dehumanizing those who are different from them. They are less charitable and generous. They are less likely to help someone in trouble. And they are more likely to defend an unfair status quo. If you think you’d behave differently in their place, meanwhile, you’re probably wrong: These aren’t just inherited traits, but developed ones. Money, in other words, changes who you are.



“Some things not everyone knows. Just thought I’d share. Heh.”


I think it was a fascist oligarchy. I don’t think there was communism in the USSR. It was hoped for, but once Lenin got in – forget it.

FDR & Churchill were old, sick, and burned out at the end of WWII. Stalin found them amusing, then took what he wanted.

Someone please inform the captain that Mikhail Gorbachev is still very much alive.

I don’t want to offend anybody. It’s an inoffensive novel. It will not offend any reader anywhere. No bad words. Now that’s another thing. It could not be published as science fiction by Doubleday because it had four letter words in it. And their science fiction list does not allow four letter words in a book. There were too many of them to remove them. If there only had been a few, like in Deus Irae, which they bought from me and Roger Zelazny. There were only a few four letter words so they inked them out and then marketed it as science fiction. And I had never known this before. I didn’t know the distinction between science fiction and mainstream was the number of four letter words.

Philip K. Dick (via swimmingunder)