
If I don’t destroy or strategically place my sigils, I pop ‘em in my desire jar.

I believe the ideograms say “Spaceship encourages overly-fast cereal eating”, which I find appropriate and moving.



“It is simply a matter of historical fact that the dominant intellectual culture of any particular society reflects the interest of the dominant group in that society. in a slave owning society the beliefs about human beings and human rights and so on will reflect the needs of the slave owners.

In the society which is based on the power of certain people to control and profit from the lives and work of millions of others, the dominant intellectual culture will reflect the needs of the dominant group. So if you look across the board, the ideas that pervade psychology, sociology, history, political economy and political science fundamentally reflect certain elite interests. 

And the academics who question that too much tend to get shunted to the side or to be seen as sort of radicals.”

The Zeitgeist Movement Global via Occupy Denmark

Detroit High School Students Stage Walk Out: 50 Suspended For Demanding A Quality Education

Detroit High School Students Stage Walk Out: 50 Suspended For Demanding A Quality Education