Month: May 2012
There shall be no property in human flesh. The sex-instinct is one of the most deeply-seated expressions of the will; and it must not be restricted, either negatively by preventing its free function, or positively by insisting on its false function. What is more brutal than to stunt natural growth or to deform it? What is more absurd than to seek to interpret this holy instinct as a gross animal act, to separate it from the spiritual enthusiasm without which it is so stupid as not even to be satisfactory to the persons concerned? The sexual act is a sacrament of Will. To profane it is the great offense. All true expression of it is lawful; all suppression or distortion is contrary to the Law of Liberty. To use legal or financial constraint to compel either abstention or submission, is entirely horrible, unnatural and absurd.
The only limitations are the laws of physics… and even those seem to be malleable, if you zoom in far enough. Everything else is in your head.
are you ever so involved in your own little world you actually forget most people are actually offended by things like nudity and certain clothes and body types and sexual orientations
So cometh the Demiurge. In light, and flame, and full of hate.
Lon Milo DuQuette’s answer to the Evangelical question, “Have you heard the good news”. Partially excerpted from, “My Life With the Spirits” by Lon Milo DuQuette, Weiser Books, 1999.
Oh boy. This one is gonna get me in trouble. It is worth a trip to that special hell called Facebook.