Month: May 2012
The utterance of a word by Thoth; by their means the earth could be rent asunder, and the waters forsaking their nature could be piled up in a heap, and even the sun’s course in the heavens could be stayed by a word
Hail the Queen of Heaven, Earth, and Hell. Three-Fold Mistress of the Three and Six Ways. Keybearer of the Night. Guide me upon the path of your Mysteries. Amen.
I guess I never caught that bug where you’re only supposed to care about your own country or your own local area. To me, 49 decapitated Mexicans is just as bad as 49 decapitated Americans and I know if there were 49 decapitated Americans in the street anywhere in the country, it would be like 9/11 all over again. It would be the largest news story for years – if it just happened once – but it happens time and time again in Mexico… and I guess as long as Americans aren’t getting decapitated, apparently the rest of the country, and especially our media, couldn’t give a damn and that’s part of what’s sick and wrong with this country’s media. And so, we march on as if nothing is wrong, as if everything is hunky dory, as if the war on drugs makes sense and hasn’t created these grotesque gangs that grow larger and more grotesque by the day – and it’s not because of the drugs. It’s because the drugs are illegal.
Hermes Trismegistus (Greek: Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, “thrice-great Hermes”; Latin: Mercurius ter Maximus) is the representation of the combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. In Hellenistic Egypt, the Greeks recognised the congruence of their God Hermes with the Egyptian god Thoth. Subsequently the two gods were worshipped as one in what had been the Temple of Thoth in Khemnu, which the Greeks called Hermopolis.
she is the Celtic (Irish) Goddess of the Woodlands and wild things. Her name itself means “doe, and she rides a chariot drawn by deer. Flidais owns herds of deer and cattle, and is equated with the Greek Pantheon’s Artemis. Flidais is said to have a coracious sexual appetite. Her consort Gergus Mac Roich needed 7 human women to satisfy his sexual needs when Flidais was elsewhere. Her daughers were Fand, Be Chuille and Be Teite. 2 were considered Witches, and one was a Faery Queen. All of them were said to have sexual proclivities like their mother.
Magic in its earliest form is often referred to as The Arte. I believe this is completely literal… Indeed to cast a spell is simply to spell, to manipulate words, to change people’s consciousness…. In latter times I believe artists and writers have allowed themselves to be sold down the river. They have accepted the prevailing belief that art and writing are merely forms of entertainment… they’re not seen as transformative forces that can change a human being… they are seen as simple entertain… things with which we can fill twenty minutes, half an hour, while we’re waiting to die.
– Alan Moore
(via ekkolalia)