Loki is NOT Thor’s brother and I refuse to see the crappy-ass Avengers because of this shit. Read a fucking real book instead of a comic book sometimes, okay?
Month: May 2012
the origin of GD.
System of a Clown: Negativity Infection
System of a Clown: Negativity Infection
Somehow this weekend I ended up infected some sort of ‘negativity thoughtform’, and it’s currently wrecking havoc on my attitude, playing on my fears, making me worry needlessly, and making me feel like all my hard work in the gym and good nutrition and so on has been for nothing – as if I have…
Artist representation of the fragmentary Demiurge (SMT: Strange Journey) and Yaldabaoth (SMT: NINE)
“I find it interesting that if terrorists put a chemical in the food supply that killed a million people, it would be called a great crime against humanity, and we’d probably bomb some nation into dust in retaliation. But when a U.S. food corporation puts chemical additives into the food that ultimately kill a million people through heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes, nobody seems to notice.”
That is the imperial mind at work. Its premises are often embraced implicitly rather than knowingly: American lives are inherently more valuable; foreign lives are expendable in pursuit of American interests; the U.S. has the inalienable right to take action in other countries that nobody is allowed to take in the U.S. (just imagine: “An Iranian drone fired two missiles at a bakery in the northwest U.S. Saturday and killed four suspected militants, Iranian officials said, as Iran pushed on with its drone campaign despite American demands to stop. This was the third such strike in the country in less than a week” or “Thirty five women and children were killed by a Yemeni cruise missile armed with cluster bombs which struck an alleged Marine training camp in Texas”).
These self-venerating imperial prerogatives are the premises driving the vast bulk of American foreign policy and military discourse. It is certainly what’s driving the spectacle of so many people pretending that the punishment of Dr. Afridi is some sort of aberrational act which the U.S. and other Decent, Civilized Countries would never do.
Glenn Greenwald: The Imperial Mind
Glad to see someone point out the hypocricy of the outrage over Dr. Afridi’s sentencing. If you start a fake vaccination camp, thereby exposing hundreds of children to Hep B while they’re under the impression they’re protected (all while essentially committing treason) I’m not sure why you’d expect to be let off without a prison sentence. Unless you’re siding with the US, of course, in which case… just read the article.
(via rcabbasi)
Yep. Hypocrisy always wins when it comes to American foreign policy.
(via mehreenkasana)