The Language of the Gods is most suitably understood by means of Symbols and Correspondences. It may thus be grasped by the Initiate in a manner conducive to meditative study and the contemplation of the interconnectedness of Nature’s component aspects. This is the means whereby the Intellect comprehends the Symbolic Articulation of the Magical Cipher:- Whosoever is knowing of the Ritual and Contemplative Paths of Calling-forth the Occult Powers will endeavour to seek the true pronounciation of the Sacred Letters in terms of vocalization. This is most secret and dangerous, for by the Phonic Path of Rhythm, Pitch and Note the Elder Gods are called upon directly…

Andrew Chumbley– ‘Azoetia’- p 217 (via iseesigils)


“…self-management, democratic control of institutions, whether they are communities or workplaces or any others… these are all perfectly feasible alternatives; there is no economic or political theory that tells us there is anything wrong with them. they conflict with the structure of existing power systems and therefore the educational and cultural system tries to drive them our of your minds and make them seem insane or crazy or unthinking. but there is nothing unthinkable about them and you can move towards realizing them.” — noam chomsky


why a lot of POC, namely black folk, don’t want to ally with many white outs anymore.

Except for this guy named Gandhi. It seemed to work very well for him. She may want to check that out. And the abolitionist movement before and during the US Civil War. And just about any real social change that’s happened…. ever. 


Roberto Ferri, Naiade, oil painting

Roberto Ferri, Tristezze della Luna, Oil Painting 

At first glance, I thought these were paintings by some strangely obscure Renaissance Painter I’d weirdly, very weirdly never heard of. And then I discovered that Roberto Ferri was born in Italy in 1978. This sort of work (modern version) isn’t always my thing. I often find paintings of mythic subjects to be entirely too romantic, but these are not. The bodies are real bodies with strange elements, painted as though Caravaggio were at the brush. They’re almost photographic, but the light is more beautiful than real light.

– Roberto Ferri, Fascilus Descensus Averno, oil painting

That’s the fantastical element of the great Renaissance painters, to my eye, anyway – the sun shining, the candles lighting the room, emit a light that has no relevance to reality. This light makes every normal – albeit beautiful – body look as though it was made inside an oyster. And all the nudes have dirty feet and callouses, angels who’ve spent time walking. I have a soft spot for that. 

La Musa Unquieta