
Artemis earliest appears in literature with very Potnia Theron features.

The peaks of the lofty mountains tremble and the shaded wood resounds terribly with the screams of wild beasts, Earth shudders and the sea teeming with fish, but the determined goddess roams everywhere killing the race of wild beasts, (h. Dian. 27. 6-10)

Out of the Drink, Into the Wild: Musings on Experiencing the Sacred

Out of the Drink, Into the Wild: Musings on Experiencing the Sacred


Richard and Mildred Loving never asked to be heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. But when the state of Virginia had their interracial marriage in its crosshairs, the unassuming, intensely private couple fought back. And on June 12, 1967, they won.

Here, on the 45th anniversary of the June 12, 1967, Supreme Court decision that, in effect, codified the right of men and women to simply love whom they choose, presents a gallery of recently rediscovered Grey Villet photographs of the Lovings, their family and their friends, along with the text of the original magazine story.

Xaos – Chaos Mægick: Grounding and Centring

Xaos – Chaos Mægick: Grounding and Centring


“We call strong Pan, the substance of the whole, etherial, marine, earthly, general soul,
Immortal fire; for all the world is thine, and all are parts of thee, O Power Divine.
Come, blessed Pan, whom rural haunts delight, come, leaping, agile, wandering, starry light;
The Hours and Seasons [Horai], wait thy high command, and round thy throne in graceful order stand.
Goat-footed, horned, Bacchanalian Pan, fanatic power, from whom the world began,
Whose various parts by thee inspired, combine in endless dance and melody divine.
In thee a refuge from our fears we find, those fears peculiar to the human kind.
Thee shepherds, streams of water, goats rejoice, thou lovest the chace, and Echo’s secret voice:
The sportive nymphs, thy every step attend, and all thy works fulfill their destined end.
O all-producing power, much-famed, divine, the world’s great ruler, rich increase is thine.”

Daemonia Nymphe – Summoning Pan