Month: June 2012
Elijah Burgher doing a sigil ritual performance at Parse Gallery for Caligula – 6/8/12
Elijah Burgher is a Chicago based artist who incorporates magick into his artistic practice and vice versa. We’ve corresponded for a year and I’ve been wanting to find a way to work together and Caligula seemed like the perfect opportunity to make it happen.
Jon Stewart helpfully points out that under proposed New York City and State laws, “This soda (more than 16 ounces) is twice as illegal as this much weed (a single ounce).”
Ave Babalon
“Lovers” “Awakening (2006) ” by Alexandr Sigov
Might this be the next iteration of “Leda and the Swan”
“Leda and the ROOSTER?”Courtesy of Sirenadesertica
Engraved in the forehead are the Citipati, also known as “Lords of the Graveyard”. They are depicted in the “bow and arrow”-posture (elbows and knees intertwined) which referes to the highest grade of the Outer Tantra. The monk who teaches in the “Institut für Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde”, Punchok Namgal, told me that there are seven tantric levels. 3 levels of the Outer, and 4 levels of the Inner Tantra. On the highest grade of the Inner Tantra, the skeletons would be depicted copulating.
Any recommended readings for the basics of Chaos Magick?
The classic book on Chaos Magick is Peter J. Carroll’s Liber Null and Psychonaut. You don’t need much more than that. Phil Hine’s Oven Ready Chaos has the advantage of being free online, though it really isn’t a starter book. I also highly recommend a talk by Peter J. Carroll that you can listen to on youtube Hands on Chaos Magic by Andrieh Vitimus is fairly good.