Advocating Progress: houapraadheegunehgaar: Pursuit of Happiness: Being Poor debatenerd:…

Advocating Progress: houapraadheegunehgaar: Pursuit of Happiness: Being Poor

Again, it’s interesting about the short term memory loss, on the (bullshit) mountain we discussed earlier. 2001, 2002, all we heard about was “America must spread democracy in the Middle East. We must, even if it means invading a country to get them to have elections.” All we had to do was spread democracy, because democracy was going to keep us safe.

And now we have democracy breaking out in Egypt, in Libya, in Tunisia, but because we didn’t cause it, and we didn’t invade those countries and they’re voting for themselves, now we have a problem with who they selected. Unfortunately with democracy, the whole idea of it is, we don’t get to install the leader of that country. That country gets to install the leader.

Now, you may believe that that leader is not good for America, but that’s not your choice anymore, and a policy eight years ago of spreading democracy throughout the Middle East has suddenly become “as long as they choose the people we find acceptable.”


~* The traditional Occult Symbol – Aegishjalmur commonly referred to as the “helm of awe” is a an ancient Scandinavian runic viking symbol.

The symbol is said be worn over the forehead or used as a tattoo and in modern times has been used in t shirts or necklaces.. In history it was said to be scratched or drawn on the inside of one’s battle helmet to give the wielder power. Its magical purpose is said to be protection and “irresistibility” in battle. *~

~* In image 2 * A Sorcerer *~

We accepted the basic anti- Christian, Hindu notion that the aim of this life is continual self- development, self- mastery, self- sufficiency. One could become a “perfect master, ” not of others, but of one’s own body and brain.

Timothy Leary, Your Brain is God

                                        (via nuu-xeer)


Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.

~Martin Luther King, Jr. ~