

The manifesto of KIA as originally proposed by Anton Channing prior to the actual ritual to mark the birth of the new group, then known as the Kaotic and Illuminated Adepts.

  1. No hierarchy whatsoever, any initiation is optional and based on individual requirements as there are no grades of any kind, no dues and absolutely NO obligation.
  2. Everyone is entitled to a full members list (to make this possible a minimum amount of contact details should be provided, of email, town/city and country. Postal Address and/or Phone number optional unless no email address provided). Post Boxes with Aliases are fine.
  3. Any member is free to invite/exclude any other member to anything they personally organize. Those that organize a meeting may invite non-members, however this should be made clear to members who are also invited.
  4. Any member may leave whenever they want, although no-one may ever be forced to leave. It is enough that members you don’t personally like won’t be invited to things you don’t want them to be.
  5. It is our wish that this structure will make for an individualistic, non-hierarchical organization, capable of forming meetings on local, national and international levels.

These principles remain key to KIA in spirit, although a couple may seem dated in detail.  For example an actual list of contact addresses seems redundant in this age of internet proliferation, whereas even at the turn of the millennium there remained large numbers of people, even in industrialised nations, without internet access.