
In the Book of the Dead, the eyes of the god Horus are described as “shining,” or “brilliant,” whilst another passage refers more explicitly to “Horus of the blue eyes”. The rubric to the 140th chapter of said book, states that the amulet known as the “Eye of Horus,” (used to ward-off the “Evil Eye”), must always be made from lapis-lazuli, a mineral which is blue in colour. It should be noted that

 the Goddess Wadjet, who symbolised the Divine Eye of Horus, was represented by a snake (a hooded cobra to be precise), and her name, when translated from the original Egyptian, means “blue-green”. Interestingly, the ancient Scandanavians claimed that anyone who was blue-eyed (and therefore possessed the power of the Evil Eye), had “a snake in the eye,” and blue eyes were frequently compared to the eyes of a serpent. In the ancient Pyramid Texts, the Gods are said to have blue and green eyes. -Robert Sepehr

Copyright © 2012 Antediluviana. All rights reserved.


The ceiling of the cafe which hosted the Novices of The Old Ways Yuletide Ritual last night in the city! It was a beautiful 90% vegan cafe on Bleaker and Bowery street in Lower East Side, Manhattan. One of the coolest rituals I’ve ever attended. You know a ritual is fantastic when you can’t stop thinking about it after you’ve left. The Oak King challenged the weary Holly King and battled him to the ground, his sacrifice upon the earth heralding in the new light to come. We lit our candles, and sang many songs, drumming in the energy. A priestess allowed herself to be a vessel ridden by a goddess, and the goddess that came spoke to all who wished to hear her words, one by one. The circle continued the rite for something like two hours. After we’d come back upstairs from the hot, damp cave of a lower-level where the air was so charged with the music and the magic, we participated in the gift drive to children affected by Hurricane Sandy and a magical gift-exchange amongst the witches present. It was an experience to remember. This is definitely a group I plan to work with more. largiénte iterum obviaverunt.


The act of maintaining and cleaning one’s shrine or altar is a ritual of care in and of itself. Dusting and polishing allow the energies or spirits present on the altar to feel more comfortable, often, and the care it brings you to pay to your sacred area allows you to make small adjustments in placement or configuration that will better suit your current state of essence. It brings your attention back to the hub of praxis.

Out of the Drink, Into the Wild: Reminder: Nothing is absolute. The only real facts we have pertain to…

Out of the Drink, Into the Wild: Reminder: Nothing is absolute. The only real facts we have pertain to…