Fascism is a term from the political domain, so it doesn’t apply strictly to corporations, but if you look at them, power goes strictly top-down, from the board of directors to managers and ultimately to the people on the shop floor, typists, etc. There’s no flow of power or planning from the bottom up. Ultimate power resides in the hands of investors, owners, banks, etc. People can disrupt, make suggestions, but the same is true of a slave society. People who aren’t owners and investors don’t have much to say about it. They can choose to rent their labor to the corporation, or to purchase the commodities or services that it produces, or to find a place in the chain of command, but that’s it. That’s the totality of their control over the corporation…there is some limited degree of public control…corporations are more totalitarian than most institutions we call totalitarian in the political arena.

Noam Chomsky-  How the World Works (via hermannview)



Magickal Obsession.

“…I will now explain their creation and use; there is no difficulty about it, how pure and clear it alls. Out of love for my foolish devotees I invented it. All desire, whether for Pleasure, Knowledge, or Power, that cannot find “Natural” expression, can by Sigils and their formula find fulfillment from the sub-consciousness. Sigils are the means of guiding and uniting the partially free belief with an organic desire, its carriage and retention till its purpose served in the sub-conscious self, and its means of reincarnation in the Ego. All thought can be expressed by form in true relation. Sigils are monograms of thought, for the government of energy (all heraldry, crests, monograms, are Sigils and the Karmas they govern), relating to Karma; a mathematical means of symbolizing desire and giving it form that has the virtue of preventing any thought and association on that particular desire (at the magical time), escaping the detection of the Ego, so that it does not restrain or attach such desire to its own transitory images, memories and worries, but allows it free passage to the sub-consciousness.”


The Dark Side: Aspects of Chaos Magic by Phil Hine, “Condensed Chaos”

The Dark Side: Aspects of Chaos Magic by Phil Hine, “Condensed Chaos”

The Wanderer: So. In theory.

The Wanderer: So. In theory.

But when you’re in front of an audience and you make them laugh at a new idea, you’re guiding the whole being for the moment. No one is ever more him/herself than when they really laugh. Their defenses are down. It’s very Zen-like, that moment. They are completely open, completely themselves when that message hits the brain and the laugh begins. That’s when new ideas can be implanted. If a new idea slips in at that moment, it has a chance to grow.

George Carlin (via ageofreason)