“Zeus is divine Husband and Wife, Man and Woman, Father and Mother. From their sacred marriage, from their everlasting union, unceasingly come fire and water, earth and ether, night and day, the proud Titans, the changeless gods and the floating seed of men.” – Orpheus

 Jupiter and Thetis By Gerome, Jean Leon

under the present brutal and primitive conditions on this planet, every person you meet should be regarded as one of the walking wounded. we have never seen a man or woman not slightly deranged by either anxiety or grief. we have never seen a totally sane human being.

Robert Anton Wilson (via thefirstchurchofcyberpunk)

what does Ave Bablon mean? i googled but no results.

Ave = Hail in Latin. Babalon is the Thelemic spelling for the Whore of Babylon, a goddess in that religion. I don’t consider myself a Thelemite, but Babalon is a patron goddess of mine. To me she represents the turning of the age, the coming eschaton, when the tribal gods are cast off and we are open to love and understanding. I pretty much stole the saying from Peter Grey author of The Red Goddess. He closes all of his communication In Nomine (In the name of) Babalon. Why ask anonymously?

We should not underestimate the capacity of well-run propaganda systems to drive people to irrational, murderous, and suicidal behavior. Take an example … World War I … on both sides, the soldiers marched off to mutual slaughter with enormous exuberance, fortified by the cheers of the intellectual classes and those who they helped mobilize across the political spectrum, from left to right including the most powerful left political force in the world, in Germany. Exceptions are so few that we can practically list them, and some of the most prominent among them ended up in jail for questioning the nobility of the enterprise: among them Rosa Luxemburg, Bertrand Russell, and Eugene Debs. With the help of Wilson’s propaganda agencies and the enthusiastic support of liberal intellectuals, a pacifist country was turned in a few months into raving anti-German hysterics, ready to take revenge on those who had perpetrated savage crimes, many of them invented by the British Ministry of Information. But that’s by no means inevitable, and we should not underestimate the civilizing effects of the popular struggles of recent years. We need not stride resolutely towards catastrophe merely because those are the marching orders.

Noam Chomsky (via noam-chomsky)

I was just talking about how ashamed I am for having supported the invasion of Afghanistan. I’m a different person now, but I am still susceptible, as we all are. Be vigilant. Demand peace.