Hermetic Virtues, Vol 6 Iss 1
Hermetic Virtues Magazine begins its 6th year with its 21st publication, Vol 6 Iss 1, available as…
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Month: January 2013
I post some musings on the actual practice of goetic magick and people go “meh.” Will Wheaton posts some scribblings from a dubious grimoire and my wife and 39, 000 other people repost it. Yes I’m bitter.
The workers who died in the fire in Bangladesh earned from $30 to $40 per month making clothes for Walmart and other stores.
Fuck Wal-Mart.
Heart | Mind: You see, technically they aren’t doing anything illegal, they aren’t…
Heart | Mind: You see, technically they aren’t doing anything illegal, they aren’t…
You see, technically they aren’t doing anything illegal, they aren’t killing anyone because no one is dying… they are just using the illusion of control, and fear. The Major ”News” Networks are the same as the Major “TV” and “Movie networks, they are the same base, the same actors guild… he who…
For all of you fans of the good doctor of journalism.
So wonderful.