And straight I knew him for the mystic one
That is the brother, born of human dream,
Of man rebellious at an unknown rod;
The minds ideal, and the spirit’s sun;
A column of clear flame, in lands extreme,
Set opposite the darkness that is God.

Clark Ashton Smith, A Vision of Lucifer


MARK YOUR CALENDAR AND WARM UP THAT KINDLE/NOOK! My short story Stranger:Rebirth will be available for the Kindle and Nook as of March 1st! Get ready! #writing #geishacafefiction #supernaturalfiction #supportblackauthors #supportnewauthors

For I am I: ergo, the truth of myself; my own sphinx, conflict, chaos, vortex—asymmetric to all rhythms, oblique to all paths. I am the prism between black and white: mine own unison in duality.

Austin Osman Spare (via rosesandmore)