All Hail the God Machine
Month: February 2013
The goddess of eternal youth, married to Bragi, the god of poetry. Idun is the custodian of the golden apples of youth. When the gods feel old age approaching, they only have to eat of the apples to become young again. As a goddess of fertility, youth and death, it is possible that she was originally one of the Vanir.
There is a world out there, waiting to yield to us. So much honey, so many different pleasures.
Those that hear the call have Gathered. Have gathered in Heart and consciouness field and have effectively created a portal to the fifth dimension and you Tap into the higher dimension.
It will feel a bit split for a while as you settle into the New Frame. You wil witness a difference/division from the old frame.
You will feel more foregn in the old world as it continues to falls away.
Your unified work and love brings about a new world into your creation, which for a time is overlayed upon the old one.
As an evolved being it is painful to dwell in a more limited awareness realm, so attention must be given to the higher one, lest ye forget and lapse in slumber.
Not to be feared, simply avoided, for the New Word is much more full of Love, and Life and is Noursing and fulfilling to the Soul!
You have no need for darkness and may choose lightened thoughts and projections.
~ Thoth
“Fire, walk with me..”
By Tapio
How to escape after being buried alive in a coffin.
How to escape after being buried alive in a coffin.
It could happen to anyone. People bury a person alive to scare them or to get rid of them. In this situation, rely only on yourself.
- Do not waste oxygen. In a classic coffin there’s only enough oxygen for about an hour, maybe two. Inhale deeply, exhale very slowly. Once inhaled – do not swallow, or you will start to hyperventilate. Do not light up lighters or matches, they will waste oxygen. Using a flashlight is allowed. Screaming increases anxiety, which causes increased heartbeat and therefore – waste of oxygen. So don’t scream.
- Shake up the lid with your hands. In some cheap low-quality coffins you will be able to even make a hole (with an engagement ring or a belt buckle.)
- Cross your arms over your chest, holding onto your shoulders with your hands, and pull the shirt off upward. Tie it in a knot above your head, like so:
This will prevent you from suffocating when the dirt falls on your face.
- Kick the lid with your legs. In some cheap coffins the lid is broken or damaged already after being buried, due to the weight of the ground above it.
- As soon as the lid breaks, throw and move the dirt that falls through in the direction of your feet. When it takes up a lot of space, try pressing the ground to the sides of the coffin with your legs and feet. Move around a bit.
- Whatever you do – your main goal is to sit up: dirt will fill up the empty space and move to your advantage, so no matter what – do not stop and try breathing steadily and calmly.
- Get up. Remember: the dirt in the grave is very loose, so battling your way up will be easier than it seems. It’s the other way around during a rainy weather however, since water makes dirt heavy and sticky.
just in case guys
And here I always wondered how vampires would escape their graves.
You do realize just about every grave since the turn of the century has a stone or concrete vault? Good luck with that.