The goddess of eternal youth, married to Bragi, the god of poetry. Idun is the custodian of the golden apples of youth. When the gods feel old age approaching, they only have to eat of the apples to become young again. As a goddess of fertility, youth and death, it is possible that she was originally one of the Vanir.


Those that hear the call have Gathered. Have gathered in Heart and consciouness field and have effectively created a portal to the fifth dimension and you Tap into the higher dimension.

It will feel a bit split for a while as you settle into the New Frame. You wil witness a difference/division from the old frame.

You will feel more foregn in the old world as it continues to falls away.

Your unified work and love brings about a new world into your creation, which for a time is overlayed upon the old one.

As an evolved being it is painful to dwell in a more limited awareness realm, so attention must be given to the higher one, lest ye forget and lapse in slumber.

Not to be feared, simply avoided, for the New Word is much more full of Love, and Life and is Noursing and fulfilling to the Soul!

You have no need for darkness and may choose lightened thoughts and projections.

~ Thoth

How to escape after being buried alive in a coffin.

How to escape after being buried alive in a coffin.