Month: February 2013
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life has a dark side, the Tree of Qliphoth, which is also known as the Tree of Death and which corresponds to the Tree of Knowledge in the Bible. The Qliphoth are metaphorical “shells” surrounding holiness. They are spiritual obstacles receiving their existence from God only in an external, rather than internal manner. Divinity in Judaism connotes revelation of God’s true unity, while the shells conceal holiness, as a peel conceals the fruit within.
In the cybernetic age, the individual becomes increasingly subject to manipulation. His work, his consumption, and his leisure are manipulated by advertising, by ideologies, by what Skinner calls “positive reinforcements.” The individuals loses his active, responsible role in the social process; he becomes completely “adjusted” and learns that any behavior, act, thought, or feeling which does not fit into the general scheme puts him at a severe disadvantage; in fact he is what he is supposed to be…What has happened in modern industrial society is that traditions, and common values, and genuine social personal ties with others have largely disappeared. The modern mass man is isolated and lonely, even though he is part of a crowd; he has no convictions which he could share with others, only slogans and ideologies he gets from the communications media.
Does anyone else feel like the new android update is skipping posts?
Weekly Writer’s Resources Roll Call – Promote Your E-Book
Weekly Writer’s Resources Roll Call – Promote Your E-Book
This week, five websites to promote your e-book.
A humble introduction to Thoth
A humble introduction to Thoth was an exhibition by Espen Iden for Galleri Fisk in Bergen, Norway, which has been presented online, and may be of interest.
The Lovers – Children of the Voice Divine – The Oracle of the Mighty Gods
Atu VI of the Major Arcana of the Tarot
ז (Hebrew: Zain – Sword) – Gemini – Air – Mercury – Love – Wisdom – Inspiration – Unification
Qabalah Tree of Life – Path 17 – Binah (Understanding) to Tiphareth (Beauty)
The Oracle of the Gods is the Child-Voice of
Love in thine own Soul! hear thou it!Heed not the Siren-Voice of Sense, or the
Phantom-Voice of Reason: rest in Simplicity
and listen to the Silence.
– Aleister Crowely, The Book of Thoth
Figure 01 – The Hermetic Tarot by Godfrey Dowson (1979)
Figure 02 – The Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowely and Lady Freida Harris (1943)
Figure 03 – Rider-Waite Tarot by A.E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith (1909)
Figure 04 – Noblet Tarot de Marseille by Jean Noblet (1650)
Figure 05 – Visconti-Sforza Tarot by Bonifacio Bembo (1451)
Figure 06 – Golden Tarot Deck by Kat Black (2004)